day 1 : March 2, 2010

Thanks for stopping by my little corner on the internet!

Perhaps I should start by introducing myself. Here is a little picture of myself; I think its always nice to be able to put a face to a voice (or text). Welcome to my first blog ever.
My name is Dimitri; I am 29 years old and am currently making my way through the world by teaching English in South Korea.

When I read blogs I kinda hope that somebody would put me out of my misery and let me know what I might expect to see on their page, so that is exactly what I will do for you!
You will probably encounter a fair amount of photography. I love taking pictures - both digital and analog ( the analog variety being classed under the general category of "lomography", shot through toy cameras with plastic lenses).
You are likely to spot my music popping up now and then, if you watch closely - as well as some drawings - did I tell you that I have a Bachelors degree in music?
I specialize in flute playing and composition.
I have an odd collection of flutes from all around the world. Keep your eyes open; they may also appear up here at some point.
I also write a lot of music and like to share what I create with instrumentalists. If you play an instrument and want a piece written for you, drop me a line!
Every now and then I might pop some writing up... perhaps something that I am pondering, or that you may like to ponder with me. If you like that kinda stuff let me know!

I'm thinking that by now (if you have even read this far) you will have figured out that this intended to be a melting pot of my creative output; and also a chronicle of my life here in South Korea.

Today, the 2nd of March, 2010, is my first day at work in a new job. I am now a high school teacher.
The school I am working at is an all boys high school with lovely grounds, surrounded by the pine forests that cover the foothills of Suri mountain in Anyang city, GyeongGi province. I must admit that I am a little nervous about what to expect, but time will tell; of course, as it tells me, I will try to let you know too.

Okay, as I wrap up my introductory post I should probably let you know that I know nothing about blogging. I don't know how to do it.

Please be patient with me and write comments, if you have any.

Happy browsing!


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